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1 Jamal Salaoui’s diary For a long time, I was unlucky. Fortune never favoured me. I came to imagine life as a huge conspiracy, with the whole world against me. And at the heart of this conspiracy was a god who behaved like a sadistic teacher, preying on the weakest kid in the class. Meanwhile the rest of the class, only too happy not to be on the receiving end, joined in. From a distance, to avoid getting caught in the crossfi re. As if bad luck was contagious. Th en, over the years, I came to understand. It’s an illusion. In life, the most vicious god you’re likely to meet is a teacher who treats you as a scapegoat. Gods, like teachers, don’t give a damn about you. You don’t exist for them. You’re on your own. If you want things to go your way, you have to keep playing the game. You have to pick yourself up and start over, again and again. Keep trying. It’s the law of probability. And perhaps, at the end of the day, of luck. My name is Jamal. Jamal Salaoui. Not the kind of name that brings good luck, apparently.
1 Jamal Salaoui’s diary For a long time, I was unlucky. Fortune never favoured me. I came to imagine life as a huge conspiracy, with the whole world against me. And at the heart of this conspiracy was a god who behaved like a sadistic teacher, preying on the weakest kid in the class. Meanwhile the rest of the class, only too happy not to be on the receiving end, joined in. From a distance, to avoid getting caught in the crossfi re. As if bad luck was contagious. Th en, over the years, I came to understand. It’s an illusion. In life, the most vicious god you’re likely to meet is a teacher who treats you as a scapegoat. Gods, like teachers, don’t give a damn about you. You don’t exist for them. You’re on your own. If you want things to go your way, you have to keep playing the game. You have to pick yourself up and start over, again and again. Keep trying. It’s the law of probability. And perhaps, at the end of the day, of luck. My name is Jamal. Jamal Salaoui. Not the kind of name that brings good luck, apparently.
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