‘What the hell are you doing? Get off me!’ Shocked horror filled her. She couldn’t believe what was happening. Only a few minutes ago they were laughing and talking. Now, leaning forward, he grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her down to the floor to her knees. He kicked her backwards with his steel toe-capped boot, which made her cry out in pain as she fell on to the concrete floor. Her head was pounding from hitting the hard surface. It was covered in plastic, which had made it even easier for her to slip on. She felt dazed. Her head was swimming, but adrenalin and panic drove her on. Pouncing upon her and straddling her, his leering face loomed only away inches from her own. Reaching up, she scratched his face with her long nails. They dug deep into his cheeks and drew blood. She was struggling and doing her best to fight
him off.
He grabbed her jaw with his large, rough builder’s hands and squeezed hard. As he shouted at her spit flew out of his mouth and hit her in the face. ‘Try that again, you bitch, and
I’ll punch you so hard in the face you won’t know what day of the week it is,’ he rasped.
‘Get off me, you’re hurting me. Get off
me!’ she pleaded, and fought back,
trying to get him to stop. It seemed to urge him on more. There was a wild look
of excitement and expectation in his eyes as he ripped at her silk blouse.
‘Please don’t hurt me.’ A noise filled the air and echoed around the room. And
then, suddenly, she realised it was the sound of her own voice screaming and
‘Why?’ he snarled.
‘You’re a tease. You have wanted this all along and men like me don’t like
prick-teasers like you. You have asked for this, prancing around in your short
skirts. Now shut up,’ he shouted through gritted teeth, while pinning her down
on the cold, hard concrete floor. His heavy body ceased all movement from her
as she tried to struggle free.
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