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The De-Coding of Jo: Hall of Ignorance - Lali A. Love

As she travelled through higher dimensions, Jo noticed narrow tubes of energy that stretched across the entire length of the ever-expanding universe. These thin regions of cosmic strings presented themselves in loops with no ends. Since Jo had transformed into her ethereal light vessel, it allowed her to move through these strings as it bent the space-time continuum. These hidden dimensions were tightly wound using elementary particles, providing a cosmic superstring gravity wave energy that stretched across the vast distances of the universe.

Fluctuating between space and time, Jo had been guided by the Galactic Medallion used as a cosmic compass back to the Pleiades, to meet with the Council of Creation. This dimension was deemed to emulate heaven as humans would have described it on Earth. It was the headquarters for the Divine Source, unified field of consciousness, where the Soul would journey before their experience and incarnation on planet Earth.

Much like a movie projection, Jo witnessed the different timelines of existence encapsulated in the multiverse. These parallel universes included an infinite number of cosmic patches, repeating several dimensional realities through particle activities many times over. Since time did not exist in these realms of multiple realities, Jo travelled past the Ancient Egyptian civilization, marvelling at the great pyramids and the fluorescent Nile. She observed the lost city of Atlantis with its fabulously wealthy and technologically advanced divine masculine civilization that had been swept into the sea.

And finally, Jo viewed the thermo-nuclear blast that heralded the demise of the enchanting continent of Lemuria. This was the home for the magnificent magical creatures such as Pegasus, Centaurs, Griffins, and Unicorns. This peaceful continent had been filled with fertile, lush greens, blues, violet, and soft pink lands that embodied the divine feminine energy.

In awe of all she had witnessed, Jo was greeted by a magnanimous Pleiadean presence of plasma light, much like a human form but tripled in height. Jo could not articulate the magnificent beauty of these Plasma Beings. They took her breath away as she gazed in total awe and appreciation.

They spoke to her in light codes and telepathy that didn’t resemble human language. She had been aware that this experience superseded time and space, as this was the highest expression of the Universe, as it permeated absolutely everything in creation.

Jo had been able to envision the filament-like strings that interconnected and communicated with all other beings, relative to attaining the consciousness state of Unity. These Pleiadean Beings that regulated the Council of Creation were not governed by the past, present, or future, nor any karmic intersections. Their radiant energy pulsated with the Universal Core rotating as sparks of light or consciousness units, thrust from creation. They existed in a perpetual state of connection with the sustaining power supply of the God Source, occurring as the spiralling experience of creation.



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